If you’re dealing with a plumbing problem, you may need more than a plunger to solve it.
It’s common for homeowners to encounter issues with the water main in their house. Problems with the water service line are common as well. If you run into an issue like this, the best way to resolve it is to work with a professional. These are a few things you should be aware of if your water line needs to be repaired or replaced.
About Service Water Mains for Houses
Your home’s water main is your primary way of accessing water in your home. Typically, it is placed beneath the ground, where it can connect your house to the water source in your computer. If you view the above diagram, you’ll see that it’s labeled as “private water service line.” It’s important not to mix up your private sewer lateral with your home’s water line. The former helps clear sewage and used water away from your house.
Frequent Issues With Water Mains
As time goes on, it’s possible that your water main may become cracked or develop a hole. This typically happens because of the frost or because the soil causes the exterior of the water pain to corrode.
There’s a great deal of pressure placed on water pipes, so if the water main does break, water will come out of the pipe and will reach the surface before long. That water could wind up on your lawn, the street, or in your basement. If this happens, the water in your home could also become contaminated. Because of this, you’ll want to avoid drinking tap water or using household appliances if this happens.
In an emergency scenario like this one, you can usually find a shutoff valve for your home that will allow you to turn off your water. If your water hasn’t been shut off by your public utility, you can find this valve alongside your home’s water meter. Using a water meter key, you can shut it off on your own.
Another frequent issue are leaky water valves. Certain types of water valves, like gate valves, are more likely to leak than others. You make be able to resolve the issue by tightening the water valve’s packing nut. Another method you could try is to replace the washers with new one or add more washers. With that said, the smartest thing you can do is bring in a professional to take care of the issue for you. If your valve needs to be replaced, you’re going to need the aid of professionals.
How You Can Find Plumbing Leaks
If you have a leak in your water main, and you don’t notice it, the structure of your home can sustain a lot of damage. This damage can be costly to repair. You could be dealing with mold and mildew as well as damage to the walls and flows. Furthermore, you’ll be wasting water, which can raise your water bills and harm the environment.
What can you do to determine whether you have a leak? One warning sign is noticing mildew or unexplained wet spots throughout your home.
You should keep in mind that leaks frequently occur in places that are difficult to reach, which makes them hard to spot. A leak might be buried beneath the lawn or a slab, which can keep you from spotting the problem until after your home has been damaged. The only way to confirm you have a leak is to shut off every water fixture in your home and monitor your water meter. If it shows that water is still flowing, you have a leak. Alternatively, you can work with a leak detection company. Leak detection can be challenging, but thankfully, our team can connect you with professionals that can utilize technology to locate plumbing leaks.
Tips for Replacing and Repairing Water Mains
When your water main is leaking, it’s essential that you address the issue sooner rather than later. Otherwise, your property could sustain significant damage.
Opt for Trenchless Replacements
Thanks to trenchless technology, it’s not necessary to dig a hole across your property in order to replace a water main that’s been damaged. As you might expect, homeowners tend to be big fans of this method.
Be Aware Before You Start Digging
Every six minutes, an underground utility line in the United States is damaged. Because of this, you won’t want to try replacing your repairing a water line without consulting with a utility line inspector. You can reach an inspector by calling 8-1-1, or you can leave this matter to the professional you’re working with. No matter what, this step is crucial if you want to protect yourself against electrocution and other risks.
Consult With Experts
If you need personalized help with your water main issues, or if you have questions about water main replacement or other problems with your plumbing, you should speak with an expert.